The British couple named as suspects in the disappearance of their 4-year-old daughter are eager to leave Portugal, a family friend said Saturday. The girl's uncle, defending the parents, called on police to reveal any evidence against them.At this point, I would not venture to lay blame for the death of Maddy. However, I have had a problem from day one with 2 adults leaving their pre-school aged children alone in a hotel room to even venture outside the room.
Gerry McCann, 4-year-old Madeleine's father, said he and his wife expected clarification of their legal status within 48 hours, according to the friend, Clarence Mitchell. Their lawyer said late Friday that police had declared the parents suspects in the May 3 disappearance.
Never, never in my life would I have ever done that. That act along is proof that these 2 adults are irresponsible. And people who are irresponsible do mighty strange things to cover their tracks when things go wrong.
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